Local Bird and Birding Resources
Pilchuck Audubon - https://www.pilchuckaudubon.org/
Seattle Audubon - https://seattleaudubon.org/sas/
Tahoma Audubon - https://www.tahomaaudubon.org/
Skagit Audubon - https://www.skagitaudubon.org/
eBird Hotspots
eBird Alerts - Rare Bird Alerts
Puget Sound Seabird Survey---https://www.seattleaudubon.org/sas/About/Science/CitizenScience/PugetSoundSeabirdSurvey.aspx
Washington Ornithological Society
Research and Banding Resources
North American Banding Council
Institute for Bird Populations (IBP) - https://www.birdpop.org/
Bird Banding Lab (USGS)
eBird Science
Alphanumeric Codes for Banders
Searchable Ornithological Research Archive (SORA) - https://sora.unm.edu/node/209
Birds and Sound Resources
Earbirding Blog - Nathan Pieplow
Xeno Canto - Audio Recordings
Bird Observatories
Puget Sound Bird Observatory
Klamath Bird Observatory
Useful Avian Knowledge
Avian Knowledge Network
The Cornell Lab Guide - https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/
Audubon Bird Guide
eBird Hotspots
eBird Alerts - Rare Bird Alerts
eBird Science
Macaulay Library
Building Habitat
Washington Native Plant Society
WNPS - Central Sound Chapter
WNPS Salal Chapter
Go Natives Native Plant Nursery
King County Native Plant Resources
- https://www.kingcounty.gov/services/environment/stewardship/nw-yard-and-garden/native-plant-resources-nw.aspx
National Wildlife Federation - Certify your Habitat