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Puget Sound Seabird Survey
Survey Protocol Training
Training on how to conduct a PSSS seabird survey are provided each year in September at locations around Puget Sound. The 2.5hr sessions cover the basics of how to conduct a survey, how to use the items in the survey kit, and how to submit data. You will also have a chance to practice and ask questions. You only need to attend one training session and can choose whichever location/date that's convenient for you.
Although encouraged, attending a training session is not a requirement for participation in the program. All new volunteers will be teamed up with experienced PSSS volunteers to conduct surveys. Volunteers who have taken part in the survey in previous seasons are welcome to attend a training for a refresher, but do not need to as the survey methodology remains unchanged.
You do not need to bring anything to the training, though something to write with, an umbrella in case of rain, and a camp chair as seating is limited. Please dress for sitting next to the shore on a September evening - potentially rainy and blustery. If you wish, feel free to review the online training video and written survey protocol, and bring any questions you might have; but know that we’ll be covering the same topics in these upcoming trainings.
For those who don’t need training, but would like to come say Hi, or pick up survey supplies like datasheets printed on Rite-In-The-Rain paper, feel free to drop by.
If you are planning on attending one of the training sessions, please register so we know how many people to expect. Click the REGISTER link for the training you'd like to attend and follow the prompts. Training sessions marked with an asterisk* are new training locations and the sessions and locations are tentative at this time and will depend on the number of registrations. We may need to consolidate some training sessions and so if you have registered for one of the affected sessions you will be notified with at least one week's notice.
Training Dates and Locations 2024
Seattle - Lincoln Park (south end) - Tuesday 9/10/2024 - 5:30pm-8:00pm
Suquamish - Suquamish Dock - Monday 9/16/2024 - 5:00pm-7:30pm
Port Townsend - PTMSC - Wednesday 9/18/2024 - 5:00pm-7:30pm
Tacoma - Owen Beach - Wednesday 9/25/2024 - 5:00pm-7:30pm
Anacortes - CANCELLED :( Washington Park - boat launch - Friday 9/27/2024 - 5:00pm-7:30pm
Seattle - Golden Gardens - Sunday 9/29/2024 - 9:30am-12:00pm
CLICK the map and then each marker for 2024 training locations, dates and times
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